Italy Wedding Celebrant Iole

Symbolic Ceremonywedding-celebrant

Planning Sorrento will assist you in planning aspects of your  Wedding ceremony suggesting Iole Celebrant, a Wedding Celebrant  that has the mission to work closely with you in creating a ceremony that reflects your  values,  your  tastes and your wishes.

Many people assume the job of a Celebrant is an easy one and that he/she merely reads a standard script on the day. This is far from true... Iole Celebrant guarantees proper training and experience, knowledge of different type of ceremonies either religious or not  religious. She will send you so many e-mails  until you are happy with the finished script and ideas. Her aim is to realize a ceremony which is meaningful to you, we want to personalize each ceremony by weaving the uniqueness of the groom and bride’s Love ! Sometimes this process takes weeks and sometimes months. Often she feels she knows the couple quite well by the time the wedding  day arrives!

Personal care and contact is important for  creating a blessing ceremony that is original and heartfelt and we feel so blessed that we can continue to share such magical moments with so many special people!

A blessing usually involves a selection of readings, poems and music. You could include traditional wedding music or something of special significance to you both. Blessings do not have to include religious references. Whether the blessing contains spiritual elements or not the emphasis is always upon commitment to one another.

There are so many reasons to choose a blessing.

They are a perfect solution in the case of inter-faith couples. This situation can often be awkward to resolve in an official ceremony. Iole Celebrant can design a blessing that incorporates aspects of both faiths. You can include your guests as active witnesses by asking them to recite poetry which has special importance for you both.

Divorcees are not allowed to re-marry in church. It is usual for divorced Catholics to get married in a register office and then have a blessing afterwards.

Couples often consider a blessing to be a way of re-affirming their commitment at the beginning of their new life together. You can decide to have as many guests as you wish with designated witnesses or be just the two of you. No matter whether a wedding is small and intimate  or large and formal, we put into every ceremony the attention and care it deserves.

Planning Sorrento and Iole Celebrant  offer a personalized service constructed in close and intimate dialogue with clients  which reflects the personalities and wishes of the new  couple. We compose a history of your lives together to inform and entertain  your guests, including information concerning how and when you first met  and other  details  to celebrate your special day in front of family and friends.

The Blessing we perform can be  religious, spiritual or of a non-religious nature. You can decide how to realize your ceremony  ,  you are free to choose some readings or poems from a wide choice or make suggestions of your own. We also propose  you a selection of appropriate vows or you may wish to compose your own to make your wedding  day truly special and memorable!

Blessing ceremonies have no legal value, there are no restrictions and no paperwork is required. They can be performed either as a symbolic ceremony in its own rite or after a Civil Wedding in the Town Hall. The Catholic Church doesn't recognize the celebration of a Wedding outdoor  either by a priest or even a deacon. In the Protestantreligion it is possible to celebrate a wedding ceremony outdoor . Some Town Halls in Italy has a garden or a terrace overlooking the sea and it is possible to perform the civil ceremony outdoor.

Planning Sorrento and Iole Celebrant  is delighted to assist you in planning aspects of your ceremony including documents, flowers, booking venue, photographer, make-up, transportation,music, etc.. we would be happy to suggest you the best solutions in accordance  with your  budget!

Blessing services:

  • Iole Celebrant , Wedding Celebrant at the venue to deliver the ceremony
  • A Marriage Certificate printed on special Amalfi handmade paper
  • Professional recitation of English poetry or readings
  • Unlimited e-mails service
  • Originally scripted speeches dedicated to the couple
  • Wide selection of appropriate material for the ceremony


Regardless of what you believe in and what country you are coming, if your dream is  to get married in Italy we would be delighted to celebrate your Italian Wedding Ceremony!